
Graduate Studio | Professor Gary Rohrbacher | University of Kentucky | Spring 2019

The intent of this studio was to examine a detail in a transcendent work of architecture that would typically be used in everyday construction utilizing Fusion 360 as the digital tool to understand and develop a detail of our choice. The studio was an environment encouraging of experimenting and analyzing our details through model making, drawing, generating toolpaths, and creating animations (see below). After familiarizing ourselves with the program, we were asked to re-imagine the detail and learn how to make it an off-the-shelf building component.

The detail of my choice is OMA’s Seattle Central Library gutters. They are incorporated into the structural exoskeleton envelope of the building. Gutters are widely used throughout architecture as water collection systems however, they are commonly treated as afterthoughts and are rarely included in the overall design of the project. With the aid of Fusion 360, I was able to develop an analysis of the overlooked gutter.